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Wiebe Moeys

Curriculum Wiebe Moeys

Name: Wiebe
Familienname: Moeys
Nationalitaet: niederlaendisch
Geboren in Geldrop (Niederlande) am 19.07.1968
Wohnhaft in TAINO (Varese - Italien), Via XXV Aprile 1
Schule: Europaeische Schule Varese
Sprachen: Niederlaendisch, Italienisch, Franzoesisch, Englisch, Deutsch
Beschaeftigungen bis heute: Taenzer, Ballett-Unterricht, Ballett-Lehrer, Unterricht in Psychomotorik, Choreograph, Regisseur, Organisation verschiedener Ereignisse, Beratungen.
Gearbeitet und wohnhaft gewesen in: Niederlanden, Belgien, Frankreich, USA, Schweiz, Italien. Bevorzugte Beschaeftigungen: mit Jugendlichen und fuer Jugendliche zu arbeiten; besondere Persoenlichkeiten fuer bestimmte kulturelle Ereignisse zu suchen (ueberall auf der Welt); Verschiedene Kunstformen miteinander zu verbinden; Organisation kultureller Ereignisse; Mit dem Ausland zu arbeiten. Verfügbar für: Vorbereitung für Wettbewerbe Ballet; Nationale und internationale TanzKurse; Gast-Lehrer der europaeischen Kompanieen; Choreografie; Rehabilitations Training Live/Lifework für Einzel-und Gruppen, Team Building.
Auditions: Auswählen von Mädchen und Jungen für den professionellen natürlich.
Kontaktieren Sie mich: contact@wiebemoeys.com

Wiebe Moeys - Don Quixote

Bildung und Kuenstlerische Karriere

Wiebe Moeys' Studien mit den Lehrern der "Pariser Oper":

  • Daniel Franck
  • Raimond Franchetti
  • Gilbert Mayer

Medaillen und Preise:

  • Goldmedaille 1986 in Paris der "Scene Française"
  • Sonderpreis 1986 des "Concours de Bordeau"- Frankreich

Kuenstlerische Karriere

Von 1986 bis 1994 Taenzer der folgenden Kompanieen:

  • "Koenigliches Ballett von Flandern" von Robert Denvers
  • "Baselballett" von Heinz Spoerli
  • "Aterballett" von Amedeo Amodio
  • "Arizona Ballett" mit John Clifford
  • "Chautauqua Festival" mit Jean-Pierre Bonnefoux
  • "Pacific Northwest Ballett" von Kent Stowel und Francia Russell
  • "Baselballett" von Youri Vamos

Didaktische Aktivitaet

  • 2006: Gruendung der ZENTRUM LIFEWORK. Gelegen in der Gemeinde Ispra (Provinz Varese), hat das Zentrum das Ziel, Mittelpunkt fuer Taenzer, Musiker, Kuenstler und Begeisterte zu sein, die neue kuenstlerische Ausdrucksformen erarbeiten und experimentieren moechten.
  • Oktober 2005: Organisation des Choreographie-Workshop “MILANO OLTRE” in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Konsulat der Niederlande in Rom.
  • 1994 bis heute: Zusammenarbeit als didaktischer Leiter oder Lehrer mit Organisationen wie Arcobaleno Danza, Neues Theater Turin, Principessa Dancing School, California Dance Center, On Stage.
  • 1998: Gruendung der WIEBE MOEYS DANCE ACADEMY (Akademie fuer die professionelle Ausbildung von Taenzern im Bereich klassisches und modernes Ballett), Unterrichtung von Professionisten und Praeparazione junger Talente zur Teilnahme an Wettbewerben.
  • Einige Schueler arbeiten seitdem mit europaeischen Kompanieen zusammen, wie: Zuerich Ballett (Schweiz), Deutsche Oper am Rhein (Deutschland), London City Ballett (Grossbritannien), Wiener Oper (Oesterreich), Halberstadt Ballett (Deutschland), Trier Ballett (Deutschland), Compagnia Susanna Egri (Italien), Teatro Bellini Catania (Italien), Ballett Karlsruhe (Deutschland), Ballett Brno (Tschechien), Maggiodanza - Balletto del Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino (Italien), Columbia Classical Ballet (USA). Einer der Ex-Schueler ist gegenwaertig Primoballerino des Royal Ballett London (Federico Bonelli).
Nicoletta Guizzardi

Medaillen und Preise

Vorbereitung junger Tänzer auf internationale Wettbewerbe:

  • 1994 - Domenico Ducato
    Silbermedaille Vignale Danza (I)
  • 1995 - Luca Panella
    Silber- und Bronzemedaille Vignale Danza (I)
  • 1996 - Valerio Mangianti
    Silbermedaille Wettbewerb von Rieti (I)
  • 1999 - Luciana Fusetti
    Silbermedaille Wettbewerb von Perugia (I)
  • 2002 - Federica Maine
    Silbermedaille Wettbewerb von Perugia (I)
  • 2004 - Federica Maine
    Silbermedaille Wettbewerb von Spoleto (I)

Choreographie Wettbewerbe:

  • 2002 - Wiebe Moeys Dance Project
    Preis für die "Beste Ausführung" - Saronno (Italien)

Kreative Aktivitaet

Auffuehrungen nach seinen Ideen, seiner Regie und Choreographie:

  • 2004: "Aperitif im Theater" im "Teatro delle Erbe", Milano.
  • 2005: "Percussioni" und "Partendo dal Tango..." in Szene im "Teatro delle Erbe", Milano.
  • 2006: "Circular Vibrations" und "FadoMeu" in Szene im "Teatro delle Erbe", Milano.
  • 2008: "Musik-Skulptur" in Szene im "Zentrum Lifework", Ispra (Varese).


Schlagzeug - MixArt ProjectSchlagzeug - MixArt ProjectSchlagzeug - MixArt ProjectSchlagzeug - MixArt ProjectSchlagzeug - MixArt Project

*Klicken Sie auf die einzelnen Fotos, um die Diashow

Briefe der Empfehlung (in englischer Sprache)

John Clifford - Ballet-Master & repetiteur for the George Balanchine Trust

April 6, 1992

To Whom It May Concern:

This is a letter of recommendation for Wiebe Moeys. In my official capacity as Ballet-Master & repetiteur for the George Balanchine Trust, I have worked extensively with Mr. Moeys.
I chose Mr. Moeys to be the lead dancer in four Balanchine ballets in my recent staging of an all Balanchine program for Ballet Arizona.
Mr. Moeys is an exceptionally accomplished major talent who, because of his height, over 6 feet, and strong technique, would be an asset for any company.
I understand Mr. Moeys has been accepted by the Pacific Northwest Ballet, one of the top five American Ballet companies. This company has very high standards and to director Kent Stowell and Francia Russel, former Balanchine dancers, have their pick of the better dancers in America. That they chose Mr. Moeys is a major recommendation.
I would support Mr. Moeys inclusion in any company.

John Clifford


David Howard - International Ballet-Master

To whom it may concern,

I would like to recommend Wiebe Moeys to your company as a principal dancer. I have worked with Wiebe and find him of a high quality. His dancing can compare with any American principal dancers who are working in this country.
I believe he will be a great asset to your company.

Sincerely Yours
David Howard


Boston Ballet, Bruce Marks - Artistic Director

September 25, 1990

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing in support of an H-1 Visa for Wiebe Moeys. Mr. Moeys has extensive international experience having danced numerous guest performances in Venice, Palermo, Italien, Antwerp , Belgium and most recently with the Basel Ballet in Switzerland.
Most American dancers of his caliber are already principal dancers with large American companies, and he, therefore, would not be taking the job of an American dancer.
Mr. Moeys was a participant and first prize winner in the "Concours de Scene Francaise".

Bruce Marks
Artistic Director


Martin Schläpfer - Basel Ballet's principal dancer

DANCE PLACE - Basel, the 19.4.90


My name is Martin Schläpfer and I have been a principal dancer with the Basel Ballet for several years. I now have my own ballet school here in Basel, Switzerland.
I have known Mr. Wiebe Moeys for two good years now. Dancing in the same ballets - being on tour together... .
He is a gifted, hard working person with - above all - a golden, happy spirit.
I am quiet certain, that taking him under contract will prove to be valid. He deserves every chance to get further.

Martin Schläpfer


Amanda Bennett - Basel Ballet's principal dancer

Letter of Recommendation
Wiebe Moeys

To whom it may concern:

My name is Amanda Bennett and I was a principal dancer with the Basel Ballet for twelve years. During this time I had the opportunity to work with Wiebe Moeys professionally, as well as a chance to become acquainted with him on a personal level.
Through hard work and concentration Wiebe grew from a student fresh out of school into a responsible member of the company, capable of meeting every challange given him. He was always a pleasure to work with; always considerate of fellow company members and respectful of their feelings. He will be a deffinite asset to any company both as a dancer and as a human being.

Amanda Bennett


Shonach Mirk - prima ballerina with Maurice Béjart's "Ballet of the Twentieth Century"

April 23, 1990

To whom it may concern,

This is to certify that, having known and observed the concerned Wiebe Moeys over the past three years, I’ve appreciated greatly his talents as a young dancer.

He has worked diligently and continued a progressive improvement in his work on stage and in the dance studio. His approach to his work is intelligent and professional. He will be an asset to any dance company, and he himself could only benefit from the experience of working with an american company.

I have danced with several companies in Europe, but was ten years prima ballerina with Maurice Béjart's "Ballet of the Twentieth Century". I have also choreographed several ballets, and am now studying dance therapy and sign language with the intention of working with people who are hearing impaired or phisically handicapped in some manner.

With friendly regards, I remain...

Sincerelly Yours,
Shonach Mirk

Wiebe Moeys - E-mail: contact@wiebemoeys.com
Tel: +39 0332-781326 - Handy: +39 340-4739602